来自网友【excelsior】的评论people are both who they are and what they represent. and the art of negotiation is to feel as a person again, and reconsider the being of individuals in the future, not in the past.yet it’s responsibility that i’m reckoning. there're at least three responsibilities in a typical arbitration: either responsibility of the two parties or the instrumental responsibility, and the responsibility of peacemakers or the fundamental responsibility. the former responsibility implies who they represent. the latter responsibility recalls who you are, i.e. human beings and the existence as a human being likewise and unanimous.chitchats, jokes and dinners set up in an unofficial meeting help shake off the burden of representation, the same way nudity, which must be detested by politicians, is showcased in artworks. peacemakers have a pragmatist faith in that it's more beneficial to start solving a situation upon compromise than to stoke a vicious game to see who chicken first. since it takes long to prove it than to solve it, in asymmetrical situations where flexibility gives up to deadlock, why not solve it to prove it? people forget about things. we forget the emotional part of atrocities. we forget it, because over time it didn't happen on us. because we still have to move on and live a life. if somehow, the emotional part still permeates us, it has to be a result of our still being fed with narratives as part of the instrumentation, and that an ideal memorial in which inscribed facts and answers for future reference has yet been erected.