绝望主妇 第七季 Desperate Housewives Season 7-第05集


类型:爱情 / 剧情 / 喜剧地区:美国年份:2010

导演:大卫 / 塔拉 / 格罗斯曼 / 珊福德 / 隆尼 / 韦尔 / 普莱斯 / 拉里 / 阿兰尼 / 妮可

演员:拉森 / 伊齐恩 / 施奈德 / 霍金斯 / 哈勃 / 凯克 / 朗格利亚 / 汤姆 / 乔伊 / Wendy Benson-Landes / 凡妮莎 / 道格 / 黛西 / 梅森 / 布伦特





Vanessa Williams入侵紫藤街以一敌四,宁静的住宅区变成了喧闹的西部决斗场。OK,第七季大致就是如此。在上一季结尾,Mike和Susan因为家庭财政状况不佳准备搬走,Paul Young突然回归紫藤街租下他们的房子,让他们看到一线生机。糟糕的是,MJ有可能不是他们的孩子。
在新季首集中,紫藤街的居民惊讶地发现Paul Young已经出狱了,还带着一位美貌的新妻子搬回来定居。所有人都怀疑Paul有某种企图。与此同时,靠着Paul的租金,Susan、Mike和MJ挤在一间小房子里生活。公寓的主人Maxine向Susan提供了一份「非传统」的工作,Susan看到了东山再起的曙光。Lynette富有的大学同学Renne(Vanessa Williams)突然登门拜访。Gabrielle和Carlos发现彼此都隐瞒了秘密。新近单身的Bree渴望开始新的生活,于是雇请年轻英俊的装修工人Keith(Brian Austin Green)给自己装修房屋。她万万没有想到,自己会和这个年轻男人擦出火花来。


  • 来自网友【Elizabeth_kate】的评论S07E01 nice way to start season 7 Bree and Gabby were hugging while someone knocked door, it looks like this two were doijg something hahahaha Bree found herself a project redecorating her house Gabby and Carlos' chrildren were switched by the hospital E02 And her new contractor brought possibilities to light And Bree about to lose it! 12:00 E03 but the guy got a girl friend so she started stud hunt with Renee 21:35 ready to party girls night "plunging neckline" wowowowowow wild wild Bree finally show off the cleavage "That's how you bait the hook" well dressed standing outside houseyard with golf pole, destructing her sprinkle pipes And got a date Gabby decided to find their biological daughter E04 lynette's daughter penny helped her so much take care the youngeat girl paige Bree and Renee competed against each other for Keith And Bree scored Go for it Miss.B E05 this episode rock!!!!!!!!! Bree and Keith date kiss And three times one night 05:48- 06:38- 08:15 20:11 six hours Renee with Lynette college roommates with Bree divorcé stud hunt With Gabby rich self-absorbed narcissistic funny diva bitch anout each other like Gabby's nose job And the secret came out at Bree's house so they all started making funn of Gabby's plastic Gabby and Renee pulling hair sosososo funny E06 Happy Halloween Trick or treat two Monroe at Renee halloween adult party Bree and keith met each other worst side and got them closer E07 Bree was in menopause and meet keith family which his mother happened to be her doctor E08 Thanksgiving Day inviting Keith parents which leading to their divorce E09 Keith's proposal ruined by his father Again vote night Bree A shirt jeans belt 38:27 E10 keith propose in front if Bree's house kneeing on one knee but Bree not sure so he back out Then Bree got down on on knee and asked him willing to move in with her and of course yes who would so no to that gorgeous knew that bastard wondered wanted something so disgusting even sabotage the relationship between Keith and Bree tried to deprive her just for himself desire vomiting nauseous it Lynette as the leader tried to protect the safety of their neighbourhood needed to drive ex-con out of there with the help of cavarly which had their own aim agenda theres a roit down the block not only the street but their relationship Junita lost , Tom's thing with Renees found out, Bree and Keith's father humuliate her, keith beat it but those protest people misjudge him as con man so they group attacked him This was the time Bree pulled out her gun That's when the riot happened Then paul died totally no not died injured E11 Keith moved in but Orson back Renee told Lynette E13 Bree found out Keith have a kid E14 lynette's mom got rich E15 Bree and Keith about to end bcs She wanted him to feel the pleasure of having kids. "Their relationship came to an bitter sweet end." E16 no matter what your kids accomplished in the end as lomg as they powered through, you couldn't be more prouder. after consulting with priest, Bree figured out her next plan---to help others So she arranged kidney donor test for s "looking at what has been taken from us is a bad way to go through life. Looking for what we can give is far better" And found herself and Beth were both a match. wowowow what the odds and similiarity both wonderer. it seems like a judgement of who gets to live. (now i get it beth sure did a poor woman her mother husband both abandoned her without purpose no idea what to do next The last nice thing she could have done was to donate a kidney to help s. But taken away by Bree cause she shared similiar experience with her and quote"I've been going through a dark time. Feeling alone and unconnected and wondering if i have a purpose. So, for me to be able to do this for my friend, it may mean a lot to you, but it means everything to me. " so she aggreed and decided to pull the triger. the last sentence Bree said "Thank you for understanding" to her means thank you for your sacrifice and contribution) (p.p.s actress of Beth also didnt perform well.) Not what expected but she supplied the file to the hospital then pulled the triger/took her life) E17 Bree's son also shared the similiarity too endless meaningless day And Bree helped him face his addiction Lynette sure did a smart boss clear head E18 beginning with Bree twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous "Bree wss diligent let her son following it but even she could recognize a step too far" ①Andrew and Carlos in the woods with gun and rain wowowow perfect day of crime. so Bree and Gabby drove together to stop also with gun on Bree's hands my favorite CP →but didnt happen however Bree and Gabby cane clean. Then because of the pouring rain they all stuck in the cabbin →Carlos so angry wanna cut Bree off disconnect ② Felica invited Paul by the lake so-called scattered Beth's ashes but wow another crime coming "twist the knife" "old habits die hard" but also didnt really unfriend with Bree cut her off (nononononono 😭my dear Bree E19 after this whole forbidden thing, Bree and Gabby talked like two secret lover who were forced to broke up but still can't stop the passion. so funny they even compared the excition and danger feelings with their affair lovers before And Then Gabby was caught eating pineapple upside-down cake and lied she madeit herself but Obviously both knew Gabby a woman ordered in chinese food for Chrismas dinner couldn't. appereantly as ususal not a good liar. So Bree helped her through long distance blutooth earphone. And process of making this cake sososososososo funny and hilarious However Carlos found out their spa plan and asked her to choose. She Chose BREE!!! With kids hahahahaaha lynette stole someone's tag to attend keynote speeches but didnt know that the stolen tag person was the speaker And she did improvise as funny as she used to be, but got caught E20 "Bree Van De Kamp had finally met two pests she couldn't smash, poison, or shoot. Taht's not to say she wasn't sorely tempted." Bree 's new one coming a detective Chuck Bree tried to displine Gabby's two girls "Okey, Mother Superior. You think you can get those girls to behave, Be my guest." and after the storytelling from their dad, They thought Bree was their grandma's killerThen they started to behave. Lynette and Tom marriage crisis They decided to take a trip alone. E21 Lynette and Tom were so afriad of being alone with each other so they jumped every chance they got to get away with it. And even the couple with them can't stand it,either Lee told Bree she found her date chuck used to hanging around the gay bar E22 paul made a confession felicia car accident died s moved back Tom and Lynette relationship got worse E23 women power To protect Gabby, four girls together killed that monster. (wowow maybe gave the idea of Big Little Lies) Then they hosted a party and invited their friends and families of Wisteria Lane to the s and m's welcome party turned out it's Carlos who killed him to protect Gabby and Bree proposed to keep the secret and tell no one about it including their family. so Bree and Carlos made peace because of that
  • 来自网友【米奇妙妙珍】的评论看每集有感想了就写写,因为短评这不下了,熟悉的看到就会知道对应哪一集啦!佩妮是小天使 汤姆真心配不上lynette 看到汤姆妈妈那样我也知道为啥汤姆会那样了 lee是个好爸爸 胡安妮塔跳舞那段看哭我 苏珊总是很幸运 贝丝真的太令人心疼了,被她妈妈一路打击,递交表格都担心自己出错,最后的自杀也是意料之中,她对布里的那个微笑真的太令人心疼了 保罗也是个可怜人啊 lynette性格有点太过强硬了,她总是不允许别人反对自己的想法,尤其是汤姆,不过汤姆人太好了 lynette去买车的打扮好好看!!! 贝丝的死反而救赎了保罗 整个系列都是爱与救赎 菲丽莎也太可怕了吧啊啊啊 贝丝太惨了 Gaby和Bree太棒了啊啊啊 Lynette太把汤姆当小孩子了 佩妮是小天使 汤姆真心配不上lynette 看到汤姆妈妈那样我也知道为啥汤姆会那样了 lee是个好爸爸 胡安妮塔跳舞那段看哭我 苏珊总是很幸运 贝丝真的太令人心疼了,被她妈妈一路打击,递交表格都担心自己出错,最后的自杀也是意料之中,她对布里的那个微笑真的太令人心疼了 保罗也是个可怜人啊 lynette性格有点太过强硬了,她总是不允许别人反对自己的想法,尤其是汤姆,不过汤姆人太好了 lynette去买车的打扮好好看!!! 贝丝的死反而救赎了保罗 整个系列都是爱与救赎 菲丽莎也太可怕了吧啊啊啊 贝丝太惨了 Gaby和Bree太棒了啊啊啊 Lynette太把汤姆当小孩子了 Tom典型的小人物尝到权力的味道的模样,想成为一切的权威,急于证明自己 而Lynette强势惯了,接受不了突然变强势的Tom,所以两人的矛盾是一定会爆发的