来自网友【一粒家田米】的评论1有时候无法理解为什么这部电影这么沉闷,这么缓慢。明明是表现当时的金童玉女,有如此巨大的危机,有如此成功的破解,有如此美丽的伯艮第女公爵,有如此潇洒的马克西米烟。但最后却成就了5个小时的拖沓剧。是以历史史实的忠实为理由吗?后来我想清楚了。原来这是德国自80年代以来拍编年史 Chronicle,形成的坏习惯。事无巨细。说白了还是舍不得删。舍不得割去鸡肋,最后你就成了鸡肋。所以我也没有激情去讲这部剧怎么好了背景The Battle of Nancy was the final and decisive battle of the Burgundian Wars, fought outside the walls of Nancy on 5 January 1477 by Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, against René II, Duke of Lorraine, and the Swiss Confederacy. René's forces won the battle, and Charles' mutilated body was found three days later.Charles the Bold(Charles Martin; 10 November 1433 – 5 January 1477), the son of Philip the Good and Isabella of Portugal. In 1454, Charles married a second time with Isabella of Bourbon, who gave born to Mary(本片女主), Charles' only surviving child. For his third wife, Charles was offered the hand of Louis XI's daughter Anne who was his second cousin Margaret of York (who was also, like himself, a great-grandchild of John of Gaunt). 开头也出现了,所以她不是Mary的亲妈。Mary of Burgundy(13 February 1457 – 27 March 1482)She spent most of her reign defending her birthright; in order to counter the appetite of the French king Louis XI for her lands, she married Maximilian of Habsburg, who became Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I long after her death. The marriage was a turning point in European politics, leading to a French–Habsburg rivalry that would endure for centuries.Maximilian I (22 March 1459 – 12 January 1519) was King of the Romans from 1486 and Holy Roman Emperor from 1508 until his death. He was never crowned by the pope, as the journey to Rome was always too risky. He was instead proclaimed emperor elect by Pope Julius II at Trent, thus breaking the long tradition of requiring a Papal coronation for the adoption of the Imperial title. Maximilian was the son of Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor, and Eleanor of Portugal. He ruled jointly with his father for the last ten years of the latter's reign, from c.1483 until his father's death in 1493. Maximilian expanded the influence of the House of Habsburg through war and his marriage in 1477 to Mary of Burgundy, the heiress to the Duchy of Burgundy, though he also lost his family's original lands in today's Switzerland to the Swiss Confederacy. Through marriage of his son Philip the Handsome to eventual queen Joanna of Castile in 1498, Maximilian helped to establish the Habsburg dynasty in Spain, which allowed his grandson Charles to hold the thrones of both Castile and Aragon. 2这次联姻是在欧洲历史上有决定性意义的。第一,哈布斯堡家族势力的扩大,最后到达了西班牙半岛。第二,法国和奥匈帝国常年的对立,一直到第1次世界大战。这都是“谨慎的路易十一世”带来的,值得深思。路易十一世有一个惊人的大鼻子,在片中基本也反映了。他生活的也挺不幸的。刚生下来就和自己的父亲去斗。争夺权力。当然最值得看的是女公爵,简直太养眼了,而且这是她最驯顺的一次表演。服化道也非常讲究。就看签约的那一幕,都是来自于历史绘画。欧洲历史上有名的一代美女。