彩排 第一季 The Rehearsal Season 1-第03集


类型:喜剧 / 纪录地区:美国年份:2022

导演:内森 / 菲尔德

演员:摩根 / 弗里曼 / 菲尔德 / 乌拉 / 里夫 / 切法卢 / 派瑞 / 奥弗林 / 多诺万 / 贝克 / 索耶 / 安德烈埃 / 奥黛丽 / 菲尔德 / 亚历山大


线路1 线路2 线路3





  • 来自网友【ergodic】的评论《把rehearsal作为一种方法》《Daddy for you》《太虚幻境之北美分境》《假作真时真亦假(纪录片版)》《谢邀,地表最强元宇宙被比下去了》《当代最让人眩晕的非3D影像》
  • 来自网友【离水井两米】的评论Emotions are a funny thing. They are not easy to engineer. After all, there are only so much you can do to deceive yourself. And even when you think of everything, there will always be things you forget.Maybe when everything around you is so temporary, you start longing for something more permanent.But no matter how deep I went, there were still parts of Thomas that were a mystery to me. But maybe that's as close as you can get. And that last step in understanding someone, it's always just a guess.I often feel envious of others, the way they can emerse themselves into the world with so little effort, the way they can just believe.They say reality is what you make of it, so in a world that's cruel and hurtful, who's to say mine can't be nice?It's easy to assume that others think the worst of you, but when you assume what others think, maybe all you are doing is turning them into a character that only exists in your mind. The nice thing is sometimes all it takes is a chang in perspective to make the world feel brand new.He's like the wizard of loneliness. You know? He's like his own self.Nathan用人类学式的观察和纽约提喻法式的演绎,适时地提供了一个新的视角:为何不跳脱出自身的人物局限,尝试从一个旁观者的角度来观察“实验”中的自己?